On July 21 we were at dinner celebrating Adam's 27th birthday with his family. After eating dinner, opening gifts, and eating cake a small bag was found behind Adam that he had forgot to open. It was discovered and as he began to pull out the tissue paper a small ziploc bag was pulled out revealing a pregnancy test! I immediately screamed out in excitement. Now,
I knew that it was not mine but Adam didn't and apparently his heart stopped for a few seconds. He looked in shock to me screaming. His response was "Ohhh, myyyy Goddddd!" Finally, Hope yells out "I'm pregnant!" and Adam was able to exhale. I did not realize that he thought it was mine but he did not expect to have Hope reveal the news on his birthday so he was so confused. It was such a great surprise. Hope and Tripp had told Taylor right before the dinner so Taylor actually videotaped the reactions on her digital camera. The lighting is very bad so you may have to watch it more than once to figure it all out.
Hope had her ultrasound on Thursday and it was discovered that she is having a baby boy! I am so excited for her and can not wait for another baby in the family. Hope is due in March 2010 and will be introducing Mr. Charles Presley Whitesides IV. We also found out a few weeks ago that Mason's wife, Kelly, is also pregnant! She is due in May 2010. Grace will now be a big sister. I can't wait to find out the sex of the next addition in December. What a wonderful year 2010 has shaped up to be...