Saturday, May 30, 2009

SC Association of the Deaf Picnic

Today I went to the SC Assocation for the Deaf Picnic. It was so wonderful to see some friends that I have not seen in a very long time. On the right in the above picture is Chris Dorn and on the left is Joseph Chavis. They just finished playing a game of football.
Steve Emerson was also there.
It was a great turn-out. I think there were about 60 people there. It was a great time to catch up. People were able to chat, play football, grill out, and even go swimming.
The above picture features Vickie Joyner. Proceeds from the picnic went to the Miss Deaf SC Pageant!

Friday, May 29, 2009

One, Two, Three is Eechee, Nee, San

My mom, Nancy, is a second grade teacher at CC Pinkney Elementary School (the best one you've ever seen if I do say so myself). Every year she puts on a Japanese play and this year, I was able to help her with the costumes and taking pictures. The play is so cute and the kids really enjoyed learning about another culture. In the play, they dance and sing songs (i.e. the name of this blog post). I am so proud of my mom and the great teacher that she is that I could not resist posting some pictures (since they are all on my camera :). Now, who would not want to have a teacher like my mom?

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Fishing News and Wedding Ring Blues

Last weekend, Adam went down to Florida to go fishing for Memorial Day. Adam, his dad, Ed, his brother, Mason, and his two brother-in-laws, Steve and Tripp all piled in a car for the 9-hour drive on Thursday. Apparently, they were very successful! They chartered a 45-foot boat for two days in Fort Pierce. The weather did not exactly cooperate but they persevered through the 5-7 foot seas. Between the two days, they caught 25 dolphin fish, 4 sailfish, 1 cobia, and 1 amber jack (Adam’s 40 pound baby). The seas were so rough that they were the only boat to go out the first day. They were featured in the Treasure Coast Fishing Report for May 26, 2009! ( In all the excitement, Adam unfortunately lost his wedding band. It is now about 150 feet deep of the coast of Florida! I keep teasing him that he did it on purpose before he leaves for a bachelor party this weekend and that I am going to put a sharpie mark on his finger before he goes. They all returned home safely on Monday with 5 coolers full of 130 pounds of fish. The whole family gathered at Ed and Cyndi’s and cooked the famous “Parrish Fish Dish”- which was delicious. Then the boys divvied up all of the fish and we arrived home that night with 30 pounds of fresh fish!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Numero Uno

Well, I finally succumbed to the blogging phenomenon. I am hoping I will use this as a way to keep a type of scrapbook of what is going on in our life. I can guarantee this blog will not have daily updates or a play-by-play of what I ate for breakfast. I would like to have a place to post pictures and interesting stories about what is going on in our life.